Roll Call/Establish Quorum

Chair Tiffany Rotondo called the meeting to order at 7:35 a.m.

Members Present

Amy King
Joseph Cassidy
Tiffany Rotondo
Ian Hardie
Mary Keating
Alan Mindlin

Members Absent

Paul Seputis

Others Present

Jamie Brown

Public Comment

  • There was no public comment.

Approval of the February 27, 2019 minutes

  • Motion to approve by Amy King       
  • Second by Joe Cassidy
  • All ayes, motion APPROVED

Youth WEX and Incentive Policies WEX Policy

Jamie presented updated policies for approval. The Youth Work Experience (WEX) policy has been adjusted to include required safety training at work experience sites which is now in accordance with DuPage County. DuPage County serves as the employer of record for WEX placements. Additionally, the minimum duration for a WEX placement is 4 weeks, and the maximum duration is 12 weeks. The duration may be extended, based on specific client needs, at the discretion of management.  Any extensions must be justified and documented in an IWDS case note.   

Incentive Policy

The Youth Incentive Policy has been amended to include language indicating that the maximum allowable incentive is $500 per participant. The group discussed and requested that some of the language be clarified, the current language is unclear. Jamie will adjust the language and bring the policy to full Board.

  • Motion to approve the WEX Policy by Ian Hardie
  • Second by Amy King
  • All ayes, motion APPROVED

Training Provider Certifications

Jamie presented three programs to be added to the ETPL: Donka, IIT and BD Food Safety Consultants.

  • Motion to approve by Amy King
  • Second by Mary Keating
  • All ayes, motion APPROVED

Training Cap/Ambria Data

The group discussed the Ambria Data. Based upon the data, the group is comfortable recommending approval at the next full Board meeting.

Training Cap

The group discussed the possibility of increasing the ITA cap for certain in-demand occupations whose training programs are significantly over the cap. Data was presented and the three sectors under consideration are healthcare, and automotive technology. The group agreed that it may be prudent to increase the cap, but more contextual data will be needed. Specifically, data will be pulled on wages and those occupations that offer a starting wage over $16/hour in these sectors will be considered. Jamie will pull the data and present at the next Exec. Meeting. Everyone agrees that if the cap is increased, it will be for very specific occupations. The group wants to ensure that funding is being fairly allocated across the system and the Center is able to assist as many clients as possible.

Survey Results

The survey results were presented and briefly discussed. The survey will be discussed at the next full Board meeting.


The meeting was adjourned at 8:57 a.m.