Roll Call/Establish Quorum

Chair Tiffany Rotondo called the meeting to order at 7:35 a.m.

Members Present

Amy King
Joseph Cassidy
Tiffany Rotondo
Mary Keating
Alan Mindlin 

Others Present

Jamie Brown
Lisa Schvach

Members Absent

Public Comment

  • There was no public comment.

Approval of the December 16, 2019 minutes

  • Motion to approve by Amy King       
  • Second by Mary Keating
  • All ayes, motion APPROVED

Training Provider Certifications

There are three programs at COD which require approval. The cost of the CDL 240 hour and 160 hour training courses has increased by $500 respectively. This increase is in line with the cost of other providers. Additionally, the MSSC program which is utilized for the RAMP-UP program requires approval. Microtrain has submitted approval for their IT Management +6 Program. This program was requested by another LWIA for a TAA client.

  • Motion to approve by Amy King
  • Second by Mary Keating
  • Abstention by Joe Cassidy
  • All ayes, motion APPROVED


Incumbent Worker Training Policy Update

Lisa discussed the revisions made to the IWT policy. The revisions include:

  • A maximum of $10,000 per incumbent worker and/or $25,000 per company is set for PY19
  • There is no reimbursement until all training programs approved in the initial application are successfully completed. Should a trainee quit or fail the training program, his or her costs will not be reimbursed.
  • IWT project plans that will yield documented:
    • Pay increases for the trainees and/or
    • Promotions for the trainees and/or
    • Industry-recognized certifications or credentials and/or
    • Completion of a portion of an apprenticeship program/model will be given preference over other applications.
  • No changes should be made to the Project Plan once approved.
    • Motion to approve by Alan Mindlin
    • Second by Tiffany Rotondo
    • All ayes, motion APPROVED Program.

Local Plan

The Local Plan was posted for the required 30-day public comment period. No comments were received. The plan must be submitted to DCEO by 3/31/20.

  • Motion to approve by Mary Keating
  • Second by Joe Cassidy
  • All ayes, motion APPROVED


The meeting was adjourned at 8:58 a.m.