Members Present

Lisa Dixon
Joe Cassidy
John Carpenter
Dan Deasy
Tom Chesna
Helen Orellana
Jossue Espinosa
Penny Clancy
Marilyn Liwanag
Mike Zimmerman
Mike Kish
Dan Allen (Gary Karafiat)
Mike Kish
Tonia Khouri
Darlene Ruscitti
Calvin Giles (Maria Garcia)
Amy King
Alan Mindlin
Tiffany Rotondo
Paul Seputis
Mary Keating
Diana Robinson
Barb Szczepaniak

Members Absent

Laura Crawford
Jim Jett
Chris Ellerman
Amit Mehta
Christine Torres
Kathleen Yosko
Ian Hardie
Frank Raimondi
Tom Wendorf
Kate Wollensak
Henry Zurawski

Others Present

Jamie Brown
Lisa Schvach
David Sabathne
Travis Linderman (Innovation DuPage)

Public Comment

  • There was no public comment.

Review of March 28, 2018 minutes

  • Motion to approve by John Carpenter
  • Second by Marilyn Liwanag
  • All ayes, motion APPROVED

Jamie introduced Penny Clancy to the group. Penny Clancy is the Vice-President of Human Resources for Sentinel Technologies.

Chair's Report

By-Law Revisions
Jamie presented the by-law revisions, the revisions include new language regarding the qualifications of Chair of the Board and signature of the Conflict of Interest Policy.

  • Motion to Approve by Mary Keating
  • Second by Marilyn Liwanag
  • All ayes, motion APPROVED


Returning Client Policy
Jamie reviewed the Returning Client Policy. The policy addresses clients who come into the Center for WIOA funding for a second time. WIOA funding is meant to be once in a lifetime, however there are instances where it may be appropriate to provide additional funding for a client.  Additional language will be added to the appeal policy to include that the decision of the Director of WDD is final.

  • Motion to Approve with amendments by Mary Keating
  • Second by Alan Mindlin
  • All ayes, motion APPROVED


Revised Board Meeting Dates
Jamie presented the revised Board meeting dates in response to feedback from Board members.

  • Motion to approve by John Carpenter
  • Second by Joe Cassidy
  • All ayes, motion APPROVED


Training Provider Certifications
            Jamie presented the list of programs for approval. There are several programs at COD and a program at Benedectine College.

  • Motion to approve by Mary Keating
  • Second by Tiffany Rotondo
  • All ayes with abstentions from Joe Cassidy and Dan Deasy, motion APPROVED


New Slate of Officers
Jamie presented the new Slate of Officers. The new slate is in response to the guidelines regarding the Chair. The new Slate is as follows:

Chair: Alan Mindlin
Vice-Chair: Amy King
Secretary: Ian Hardie
Treasurer: Joe Cassidy

Members at Large:
Mary Keating
Kate Wollensak
Barbara Szczepaniak

Ballots were tallied and all Members present voted for the slate as listed. New slate is approved.

WARN Report

Jamie reported that Nokia continues to have significant lay-offs. They recently released a list of 100 workers to be laid off and the Rapid Response team has reached out to these workers.  Layoffs will continue in waves throughout the Spring, however exact timelines are not available.

WIOA Fiscal Report

Joe Cassidy presented the fiscal report.   The Center is on track to spend or obligate 80%+ of funds by 6/30/18, across all three funding streams. Regarding the direct training minimum of 40%, expenditures are over the requirement. The Center received approximately 70K in CSBG monies and Lisa also explained how the TAA monies are spent, this grant is not spent in the same way the other monies are spent. Joe Cassidy asked about funding for the next Program year which begins on July 1st. Jamie and Lisa reported that DCEO has not issued funding for PY18 yet which makes it difficult to plan. Amy asked what would happen if funding is not received by July 1st, and what if anything the Board can do to assist with the process. The Board may be able to assist if there is a budget issue at the State level, Tonia Khouri stated that she would be willing to help communicate with lobbyists to relay the message regarding the importance of passing through WIOA funding should an issue arise at the State level.

workNet DuPage Update

Lisa Schvach presented the wokNet update.  Lisa signed onto two Innovation Grants issued by DCEO. One grant is with National Able for their new Big Data program. The other grant is with Literacy DuPage as it relates to contextualized ESL training for existing employees of local companies. There are also two grants that the Workforce Boards of Metropolitan Chicago have applied for relating to the TDL industry. The Chicago Cook Workforce Partnership was awarded a Tollway grant which is designed to attract minorities and women into the construction industry. The third event in the Breaking Boundaries series will be taking place in October at Lake Park High School. Lisa has secured a speaker for the event, Kayleen McCabe from the DIY network. Lisa has been working on an initiative to serve people with addictions and has been working with Dan Deasy and Tiffany Rotondo to develop programming in the manufacturing sector. Additionally, the workNet staff has been going into the community to various Community Based Organizations to offer services to clients who may not be able to come into the Center. A new initiative is underway with Edward/Elmhurst hospital to market Medical Assistant and Patient Care Technician training which could lead to employment at Edward/Elmhurst. The long-term goal is to recruit clients for specific training programs tied to employers.

One-Stop-Operator Update

Dave Sabathne provided the OSO update. He has been working with the staff to streamline the referral process and track referrals made by the Navigators. He has purchased process mapping software which he is utilizing to determine the best way to track and interpret that data.

Awards Breakfast/Foundation Monies

Jamie provided an update on the client awards ceremony discussed at the last meeting. Jamie has been working with Helen Orellana at the Embassy Suites to coordinate the event. The event is expected to cost about $1500. Jamie reminded the Board about the Workforce Board Foundation which has about $8000  and would like to utilize Foundation monies to cover the cost of the event. Jamie has been working with the State’s Attorney to update the Foundation by-laws and parameters regarding the expenditure of Foundation money for events, etc. John Carpenter suggested Jamie review the by-laws to determine what the permissible expenditures for the Foundation are. Jamie will continue to work with the State’s Attorney on any necessary by-law revisions and will update the Board as necessary.

Innovation DuPage Presentation

Joe Cassidy, John Carpenter and Travis Linderman presented on a new initiative in DuPage County, Innovation DuPage. Innovation DuPage is a cooperative venture promoting business growth and job creation. It involves partners from higher education and the public and private sectors working together to guide entrepreneurs, small businesses and new companies on the path to success.


The meeting was adjourned at 9:02 a.m.